Art Direction / Design
In collaboration with Blu Design Communications
STC officially marked the completion of its two-year, $62-million renovation with the GRAND REVEAL Celebration. Dignitaries, VIPs and retailers were invited to “DRESS IT UP and REVEAL THE NEW YOU” and to “COME TRY US ON” at STC.
The “GRAND REVEAL” campaign was the culmination of four simultaneous events/campaigns, including: the REVEAL of the revitalized Scarborough Walk of Fame Court with past and present inductees; the REVEAL of the “LIVE IT UP! Celebrate Everything Scarborough” video contest winner; the REVEAL of the brand new STC Renovation Transformation, and finally the REVEAL of STC’s brand new Christmas decor “Planet Santa.”
Campaign Elements: e-vite, invites, website / Instore: posters, digital display, banners / Transit: subway / Outdoor: billboards / Media: online, editorial / Celebration collateral